
a photographer talks

Monday, March 29, 2010

what a weekend

I took part in a UGM orange day photowalk see I tried to take photos of orange things

city of vancouver

We walked around gastown and then down to Crab Park were I found this in a small pond area. I saw the movie, Beautiful Bones a few weeks ago and this strange sceneI am sure was in the movie.

reminds me of the film Lovely Bones

Chi Pig looked amazing in his gold suit at Joe Shithead's yard sale at the Railway Club Saturday afternoon.

Chi at the Railway today

Joe showed us where to put 1/2 of our ticket stub for the draw. Either end of the ticket was fine.

Joe holds up the pitcher to put tickets in for draw

Miles was one of the 3 winners for the draw at Shitheads yard sale. Lucky Miles.

1 comment:

  1. I love this Bev!
    Would you PLEEEEASE
    invite me along next
    time around ?! T xo

