There are good and bad things about getting old. Now I am not talking about old enough to drive or drink or fuck, that may seem old at the time but that's young. I am talking old.
Some of the bad things are legion.
Hair, now there's one men my age don't have it but I have always liked some skin heads ( not the neo ones) so that's neither here nor there. Comb overs I don't like.
I hate, really hate the words "back in the day." If there was only one day then I wouldn't be old eh?
I hate not smoking and still having morning voice, not that there is anyone around to hear, I have a deaf cat. But I talk out loud to myself so I hear it mmmm....
I talk out load to myself, that might be an other sign of being old and it is not bad when I am alone, but in public????
I guess at any age friends die but it starts to add up.
My hands look like my mother's hands, hi Mom every time I look at them.
I have some blue spider veins on my legs, and come to think of it they look like tattoos so maybe not so bad.
People finely open doors for me unless I have my leather jacket on.
I never know what colour to put down as hair colour, grey sounds so old platinum sounds nice.
I have seen a fuck of a lot of good bands.